We would like to inform you that it has come to the notice of the Exchanges that unsolicited messages are being sent to investors by unregistered or unauthorized entities, via social media platforms like WhatsApp, Telegram and other apps, encouraging them to deal in stocks and F&O contracts. As your trusted investment services company, Delstox would like to advise you to remain cautious about such unsolicited messages and to abstain from dealing in any schemes of unauthorized collective investments/portfolio management, indicative/guaranteed/fixed returns/payments, etc. Keeping your best interests as our top priority, we would like to advise you to make informed investment decisions and following best practices listed below: Do not share your trading credentials with anyone – Login ID and Passwords, trading strategies, or position. Refrain from trading in leveraged products like options without proper understanding, as it could lead to losses. Writing/selling options or trading in option strategies based on tips, without basic knowledge and understanding of the product, is highly risky and can lead to huge losses. Analyze risk-return before making any investment decision. Refrain from trading/investing based on unsolicited tips through WhatsApp, Telegram, YouTube, Facebook, SMS, calls, etc. Refrain from trading in options based on recommendations from unauthorized/unregistered investment advisors. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to a continued relationship and assure you the best of our services. Our Customer Care Numbers: Landline No.: 011-40108603/40769028 E- mail: itsupport@Delstox.co.in